Due to the required internship hours for licensure, those seeking Administrator Licensure who are not currently employed in a school building level cannot apply to the Educational Leadership program. Also, candidates seeking licensure cannot begin the program without a signed agreement from a school building administrator who is willing to serve as their Mentoring Supervisor throughout their course of study.
After completing the first eight courses for a M.Ed. Degree in School Leadership Administration leading to a Mississippi State Administrator’s License, candidates must take and pass The School Leaders License Assessment Exam (SLLA)) in order to be recommended for licensure. Taking the SLLA is a NOT requirement for graduation. Passing the SLLA is a requirement for licensure.
NOTE: Candidates seeking administrator certification must assume responsibility for fulfilling all state requirements.
*OUT OF STATE CANDIDATES: Applicants are encouraged to confirm state requirements for teacher educator/administrator certification and/or endorsements with the State Department of Education from the state in which
they are employed or desire to be employed. Belhaven University does not guarantee that all individual state licensing or certification requirements as defined in this degree program will meet individual State Department of Education requirements for certifications or endorsements within states other than Mississippi.
The Belhaven University School of Education will not be responsible for addressing requirements from individual candidate’s state of residence or from a state in which they may plan to obtain an administrator license.