EDU 779 - Contemporary & Global Considerations in Education (3 ) GR
Compare and evaluate elementary/secondary schooling practices and educational theories in the global context of other countries/nations. Understand key ideas central to ongoing research in teaching and learning in an international perspective, taking into account how cultural, social and organizational contexts influence learning. Reflect on what constitutes best teaching and learning practices; consider and debate if these practices are specific to national contexts or universal across diverse cultures. Candidates consider their own biases, personal cultural background experiences, and educational experiences to develop a deeper appreciation of the complexities of education in a global context and refine the ability to navigate diverse cultural landscapes effectively. This course addresses PSEL Standards: Standard 2: Ethics and Professional Norms, Standard 3: Equity and Cultural Responsiveness, and Standard 4 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Yearly Cycle Every year Offering Terms Fall Only, Spring Only, SU only
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