Feb 17, 2025
EDU 772 - School Organization Analysis (3 ) GR
Study models for analyzing organizational structures and systems as a means to assess and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization, schools in particular. Many models for organizational analysis have been applied and taken from the business world. Candidates will explore then adapt various models to the context of educational institutions. Examples of models to be reviewed include: strategic triangle model, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) model, Baldrige model, accreditation models, cognitive models, and others. Through case study review of practical application in process, insight will be developed relative to use/modification of models for the purpose of improving school performance. This course addresses PSEL Standards: Standard 1: Mission, Vision, and Core Values, Standard 9: Operations and Management, and Standard 10: School Improvement Yearly Cycle Every year Offering Terms Fall Only, Spring Only, SU only
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