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    Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalogue 
2022-2023 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administration of the Curriculum

The Semester System

Belhaven University operates on a semester basis with the regular session divided into two semesters that begin in August and January. The summer session, divided into one two-week term and two five-week terms, constitutes an additional period of study. Students receive course credit toward graduation on the basis of the Credit Hour policy below. Semester hours of credit for each course are shown in the section “Course Description.”

Credit Hour Policy

Credit hours awarded for courses is determined by the faculty and academic administration in accordance with the mission and goals of Belhaven University. This determination is aligned with the Carnegie collegiate student credit hour, Federal definitions and requirements, and the standards, commission policies, and guidelines of SACSCOC, our regional accreditor. This credit hour policy guides the process for assigning credit hours for courses in the attainment of the Belhaven University mission and goals.

Conforming to sound, commonly accepted best practices, the following statements are Belhaven University’s working definition and principles for credit hour determination:

  • The faculty oversees the content and quality of the curriculum and is responsible for the learning outcomes; therefore, it is the responsibility of the faculty to determine course credit hour valuations.
  • The number of credit hours awarded for each course is determined on the basis of time spent in classroom instruction, outside class direct instruction, and outside class student work.
  • One semester hour of credit is granted for the equivalent of 750 minutes of classroom instruction and 1500 minutes of outside class student work or 2250 minutes based on a combination of classroom instruction, outside class direct instruction, and outside class student work.
  • Classroom instruction and outside class direct instruction times are equivalent for the purposes of credit hour valuations.
  • Classroom instruction includes the formal class meeting, supervised labs, private instruction, or any similar instructional meeting between and instructor and one or more students.
  • Outside class direct instruction includes student activities that:
    • Has a planned educational purpose or outcome
    • Is facilitated by an instructor or field supervisor (guided, monitored, or observed)
    • Is graded and documented
  • Outside class direct instruction activities include but are not limited to
    • Online lectures or instruction (synchronous or asynchronous)
    • Video presentations, journal or blog writing
    • Chat rooms
    • Discussion boards
    • Field trips (which includes virtual field trips)
    • Group/team-based activities
    • Online test or quizzes
    • Video conferencing
    • Virtual labs
    • Supervised field experiences
  • Outside of class student work includes course related activities that do not qualify as direct instruction. These activities include but are not limited to reading, writing, studying, preparing, practicing and researching.
  • The ratio of classroom/outside class direct instruction and outside of class student work may vary depending on the course type. The ratio of outside of class student work serving in support of classroom/outside of class direct instruction is 2:1 (two minutes of outside of class student work supports one minute of classroom/outside class direct instruction.)
  • The credit hour valuation is the same for all course formats, lengths, level, locations, and modes of delivery, which includes the traditional classroom, laboratory, online, electronic, private lessons, internships, practicums, independent study, senior thesis, or hybrid.
  • The amount and level of credit hours awarded for a course will be determined according to these expectations and courses will be periodically evaluated to ensure that they meet or exceed these expectations.

The course credit hour audit uses the Credit Hour Evaluation Form that includes the Master List of Student Engagement as approved by the faculty (see Appendix A).

  • The Credit Hour Evaluation Form identifies the course being evaluated, the courses outside of class direct instruction, outside of class student work, and classroom time as documented in the course student syllabus.
  • The Master List of Student Engagement documents the possible outside of class direct instruction options and outside of class student work used to achieve the goals of the course beyond the formal classroom time. The normal time to complete for each method/modality is the estimated number of minutes an average to below-average student would take to complete the method/activity in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes for the course.

The Credit Hour Evaluation Form may be used for traditional courses at the discretion of the academic leadership.

For all new courses in the adult, graduate, and online areas, the Course Credit Hour Evaluation Form will be completed during the new course development process. For any course revisions in the adult, graduate, and online delivery modality the Course Credit Hour Evaluation Form will be completed during the update process. Department chairs/directors or other academic leaders may ask faculty to complete the Course Credit Hour Evaluation Form on selected courses as deemed necessary.

Exceptions to the Master List of Student Engagement such as methods or modalities not included on the master list or an adjustment to the normal time expected to complete an activity must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The faculty of Belhaven University has participated in the development of this policy and its procedures and holds the responsibility for approval and subsequent revisions through the accepted faculty processes and procedures.

Approved by the Educational Review Council 2-6-19

Grades and Quality Points

The meaning of the course grade is as follows: A, Superior; B, Good; C, Average; D, Passing; F, Failing; I, Incomplete; AU, Audit; NA, No Audit; W, Withdrew Before Grades; AW, Administratively Withdrawn; S, Satisfactory; U, Unsatisfactory; ES, Examination Satisfactory; CR, Credit; NC, No Credit.

The grades S (Satisfactory) and U (Unsatisfactory) are used for courses completed on the Pass-Fail option. The grade ES (Examination Satisfactory) is used for credit given by examination in foreign languages and mathematics. The grade CR (Credit) is given for nonacademic courses to indicate that credit has been earned. The grade NC (No Credit) is given for nonacademic courses to indicate that no credit has been earned.

A plus/minus system of grading was implemented in the fall semester of 1985. The plus/minus changed the quality points associated with the letter grades; therefore, the letter grade A now carries 4.00 quality points; A- 3.66; B+ 3.34; B 3.00; B- 2.66; C+ 2.34; C 2.00; C- 1.66; D+ 1.34; D 1.00; D- 0.66; F 0.00. A grade point average is calculated at the end of each semester by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of semester hours attempted, grades of F being counted as hours attempted. Only the grades listed immediately above carry quality points. Cumulative totals are also computed following each completed grade period.

Transfer work does not affect the Belhaven cumulative grade point average (GPA). The Belhaven cumulative GPA is based entirely upon work done at Belhaven University.

Academic Standing

Academic standing describes a student’s performance in their academic program. Belhaven assesses academic standing using a quality point index. A quality point index is calculated at the end of each semester and a student will be assigned an academic standing in accordance with the chart below which indicates quality point deficiencies allowed.

Academic Standing Status Quality Point Index Deficiency
Good Standing - Clear No deficiency (positive Quality Point Index Score)
Good Standing - Notice (-1) - (-10)
Probation (-10.01) - (-23)
Suspension (-23.01) - (-35.99)
Dismissal (-36+)

The formula for calculation of quality point index is (GPA and Quality Point Index are calculated on Belhaven GPA credits only.): Belhaven earned quality points - (Belhaven GPA hours times two) = quality point index.

In cases where a student feels they experience extenuating circumstances which imparted their GPA students may submit an appeal to be readmitted one time for a suspension and one time for a dismissal. All decisions made by the academic appeals committee are final. If after an appeal, which has been granted the students’ academic standing is not improved, no second appeal shall be considered.

Extracurricular Activities, Good Academic Standing, and Satisfactory Academic Progress

In general, a student who is eligible to enroll for classes is considered to be in good standing for extracurricular activities. Additional and more stringent requirements may be established by supervisors of those activities, groups, organizations, or societies.

For participation in intercollegiate athletics, a student must demonstrate good academic standing and satisfactory progress toward a degree. In order to demonstrate good academic standing, a freshman (0-23 hours) or sophomore (24-53 hours) must earn and maintain Good Standing - Clear or Good Standing - Notice. A junior (54-89 hours) or senior (90+ hours) must earn and maintain Good Standing - Clear. In order to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, a student-athlete must be enrolled full-time (a minimum of 12 semester hours) unless fewer hours are required for graduation and meet academic standing requirements.

Freshmen students may participate in intercollegiate athletics during their first semester upon admission to Belhaven University and full-time (a minimum of 12 semester hours) enrollment. Transfer students meeting NCAA exceptions may participate during their first semester upon admission to Belhaven University and full-time (a minimum of 12 semester hours) enrollment. After their first semester at Belhaven, freshmen and transfer students (who met NCAA exceptions) are considered returning students and will be required to meet the academic standing requirement and the satisfactory academic progress requirement for intercollegiate athletics. If a transfer student doesn’t meet NCAA exceptions for participation, he/she must meet NCAA guidelines for residency requirements.

Financial aid requirements for satisfactory progress and other regulations are explained separately in this catalog and elsewhere.


The grade “I” is given at the discretion of the instructor and only in case of a prolonged illness or other emergency and indicates that all requirements in a course have not been met. In order for students to receive the grade “I”, they must have made satisfactory progress in the course up to the point of illness or emergency. The grade “I” cannot be given prior to the last day to drop a course without an F. Students receiving the grade “I” should make the following arrangements with their professors and the registrar’s office before the end of the semester:

The student (or one representing the student) must obtain the incomplete request form from the registrar’s office. In filling out this form, students and their professors agree upon the dates of completion for all work. The dates for completion of the necessary work should within 30 days of the last class meeting date for the course in which the “I” is requested. Should a student fail to complete the required work by the deadline, the grade “I” will automatically be changed to a grade of F by the office of the Registrar.

Failure: Repeated Courses

An F cannot be removed from a student’s record. However, if a student enrolls again in a course that he or she failed, the second grade is recorded on the permanent record for the semester in which the course was repeated.

Although both courses and the respective grades and quality points are shown on the permanent record, the semester hour’s credit is only earned once.

Forgiveness Policy on Repeated Courses

The following stipulations apply to this policy:

  1. The student cannot use the forgiveness policy to replace a grade that was earned at another school, nor may grades earned at Belhaven be replaced by grades earned at another school. This policy will only affect the Belhaven grades and quality point index.
  2. All grades remain on the transcript; however, the highest grade earned in each course will be the one used to recalculate the GPA.
  3. A course intended to be used for the forgiveness policy cannot be taken as independent study and must be taken at Belhaven University.

Repeated Course Policy

The student cannot use this option to repeat a course in which a grade of A, B, or C was earned. This can only be used to replace a grade of C- or below. Repeating a course may influence a student’s financial aid or sports eligibility.

100 or 200 Level Undergraduate Courses - limit 3 attempts

Students who have taken a course three times and failed the course each time cannot be registered for the course again unless approved through the academic appeals process. The student may be approved to take the course a fourth time but must pass the course on the fourth attempt; no additional registration for the course will be allowed after a failing grade is earned in the course for the fourth attempt.

300 or 400 Level Undergraduate Course or Any Graduate Course - limit 2 attempts

Students who have taken a course twice and failed the course (“failed” at the graduate level is a grade of D+ or below) both times cannot be registered for the course again unless approved through the academic appeal process. The student may be approved to take the course a third time but must pass the course; no additional registration for the course will be allowed after a failing grade is earned in the course for the third attempt.

Academic Appeals Process

Students must file an appeal to repeat a course if the course has been taken the maximum number of times and failed. The appeal must include information about why the student was not successful in the first attempts. This must include information and documentation to identify the reason for any missing assignments, for low attendance, or any reason being given for the student’s lack of success in completing the course. Online and Adult Students will submit the appeal to their advisors who will submit the appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee for review. Traditional students will submit the appeal to the Registrar’s office who will submit the appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee for review. Failure to complete the course with minimum grade allowed may result in the student being unable to continue in their current degree. Approval to repeat course does not override the end of term Academic Standing earned by the student; the student must sit out a term if placed on Academic Suspension and if approved, may repeat the course in the next available term. The decision of the Academic Appeals Committee if final.

Pass/Fail Option

Students may elect to enroll for a maximum of four courses on the pass-fail option during the junior and senior years. No more than two courses may be included on this plan during any one semester. Core courses and courses in the major area (required or elective) may not be included. Grades of S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) are assigned. Credit hours, but no quality points, are recorded for grades of S and count toward degree requirements. The pass/fail option is not allowed in courses required for teacher certification. A student wishing to use the pass/fail option must file a special request form in the office of the registrar prior to the last day to add a course or change course enrollment status.

Auditing Courses

Full-time students may audit a maximum of two courses each semester with the permission of the registrar. A course is listed on the student’s permanent record as AU (audit) unless the instructor of the course informs the registrar that class attendance or participation does not justify the listing, in which case it would be listed as NA (no audit).

Adding or Dropping a Course

A course may not be added for credit or audit, or changed from one enrollment status to another (credit, audit, pass/fail), after the first week of a semester (see Calendar for specific dates).

Courses other than BU 101  / BU 102  (Belhaven Basics), Freshman English or the ENG 225 /ENG 226 , HIS 225 /HIS 226  and HUM 225 /HUM 226  may be officially dropped through the first week of a semester (see Calendar for specific dates) without having the course entered on the student’s transcript. Beginning day one of week 2 of the semester, a student will be allowed to drop a course, but that course will appear on the student’s transcript with a grade of W. Courses may be added for credit or audit, or changed from one enrollment status to another (credit, audit, pass/fail) during first five days of a semester.

Any course dropped after last day to drop with a grade of W will receive a grade of F. (see Calendar for specific dates)

A student who stops attending class without securing official withdrawal approval receives an F in the course(s).


A student’s classification is determined by the number of semester hours credited to the student at the beginning of the first semester of each year. For sophomore standing, a student is required to have earned 24 semester hours credit; for junior standing 54 semester hours; for senior standing, 90 semester hours; and for graduation 124 semester hours and 248 quality points.

Course Load Per Semester

The minimum semester course load for a full-time student is 12 semester hours; the normal load is 15 to 18 semester hours; and the maximum load is 18 semester hours. Requests to exceed the maximum of 18 hours must be made to the registrar on the Request to Exceed 18 hours form on the Registrar page in Blazenet and will be reviewed primarily on the basis of the student’s previous record of achievement and the courses in which the student wishes to enroll. No student may receive credit for more than 21 hours in a semester under any circumstances.

Grade Reports

At the conclusion of a semester or summer session, final grades are available on the Blazenet. The office of the registrar will not show students their grades nor give grades over the telephone or by email. Mid-semester grades are submitted and may be viewed on Blazenet.


Students can order an official transcript via the National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Ordering Center ( The Registrar is not permitted to issue transcripts for a student with an active account hold.

Transcript Fee Schedule (Per Recipient)

Copies 1-2: $10.00 total
Copies 3 +: $2.00/copy
Processing: $2.50
Electronic PDF: $1.00 (Applies only to transcripts sent electronically to a recipient outside of the NSC Electronic Transcript Exchange network)

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

Belhaven University informs students of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The act, with which the University intends to comply fully, was designated to protect the privacy of educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the act.

Belhaven University accords all the rights under law to students who are declared independent. No one outside the University shall have access to nor will the University disclose any information from students’ education records without the written consent of students except to personnel within the University, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. All these exceptions are permitted under the act.

Within the Belhaven community only those members individually or collectively acting in the student’s educational interest are allowed access to student education records. These members include personnel in the office of the registrar, provost’s office, admission’s office, student learning office, student life office, financial aid office, business office, office of institutional improvement, faculty, and academic support counselor.

Students may not inspect and review the following as outlined by the act: financial information submitted by their parents, confidential letters and recommendations associated with admission, employment or job placement, or honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review, or education records containing information about more than one student, in which case the University will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student.

Class Attendance Standards

Belhaven University believes that learning can be demonstrated through typical assessments such as tests, quizzes, papers, and class participation. However, we also believe that learning occurs beyond engaging in these assessments and that class attendance enhances learning in immeasurable ways.

In consultation with their Dean or Department Chair, all faculty members set their own policy for class attendance for the course. Be sure to review the course syllabus to understand the attendance requirement. Most faculty set one of these four policies:

  1. Class attendance is important in this course and students missing more than 20% of classes will fail the course and receive an F (except in the case of unique medical or family extenuating circumstances to be considered in consultation with the Registrar.)

    8 absences for a class that meets three times a week
    6 absences for a class that meets two times a week
    3 absences for a class that meets once a week.

    Persistently arriving late or leaving early may impact a student’s final grade.
  2. Class attendance is important in this course and missing more than 20% of classes will lower the student’s final grade (except in the case of unique medical or family extenuating circumstances to be considered in consultation with the Registrar.)

    1 letter grade 21-29% absent 3x week 9-11 2x week 7-8 1x week 4
    2 letter grades 30-39% absent 3x week 12-15 2x week 9-11 1x week 5
    3 letter grades 40% or more absent 3x week 16+ 2 x week 12+ 1x week 6

    Persistently arriving late or leaving early may impact a student’s final grade.
  3. Class attendance is important in this course and students must notify the professor if a class is to be missed and make arrangements to make-up the work.
  4. Class attendance is not a high priority of this class and students should use their judgment in how to use their time best to gain the most from this course.

In consultation with their Dean or Department Chair, faculty members will articulate their policy in the syllabus for the course. It is the responsibility of the student to understand and follow the attendance policy for each course. While faculty members set their attendance standards, a student’s grade may not be lowered for missing up to 20% of the course’s classes.

All reasons for absences (e.g., illness, representation for University activities, emergencies, and late registration) are included in these standards.

Gulf Coast Research Laboratory

Belhaven University students may receive credit for certain courses offered at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Consult the chairman of the department of biology concerning course offerings.

Summer Session

The summer session of Belhaven University provides an opportunity for students to continue their work leading to a degree and for students from other institutions to earn credits that may be transferred to their own schools. A maximum of 15 hours may be earned during the summer session at Belhaven.

Honors Program

The Honors Program at Belhaven University offers academically advanced students a forum in which to deepen and expand their education both intellectually and spiritually. Students who demonstrate seriousness about their calling, a past record of academic achievement, and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary dialogue are eligible for Honors courses as described below:

Honors Colloquium (HNS)

An interdisciplinary seminar exploring diverse topics from the humanities, sciences, and arts. Through reading and round-table discussion with faculty and peers, students hone their ability to critically evaluate ideas from a Christian perspective and articulate responses both orally and in writing.

Students who meet any of the following criteria may take Honors Colloquium for elective credit:

  • ACT composite 26 or above (SAT CR+Math 1190 or 81 CLT score)
  • ACT English/Writing 28 or above (SAT Writing 630 or above)
  • College-level GPA 3.5 or above, earned over at least 2 semesters, and interview with Director of Honors Program

Graduation as Honors Fellow

Students who complete the Honors Program by meeting the following requirements may graduate with distinction as an Honors Fellow:

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.4 or above
  • At least 12 hours of Honors Colloquium (HNS) with a grade of B or above
  • At least 15 hours of Honors-level coursework with a grade of B or above, to include at least 9 hours in the student’s major
  • Honors-level courses are available by arrangement with faculty who have approved the Honors designation for their courses. To merit the Honors designation, students must fulfill higher and/or additional requirements as determined by the faculty and demonstrate integration of the subject matter with a Christian worldview. Changes in grade weights and standards for Honors students will be indicated in the syllabus.
  • Requests for Honors course designation must be signed by the faculty and submitted by the student to the Registrar’s Office no later than the date specified by the Registrar and the Director of the Honors Program.

Summer Enrichment Program

A precollege summer enrichment program is available to advanced students who have completed the junior year of high school. Students admitted to the program may earn up to 15 semester hours in regular summer session courses. Full college credit is granted after a student has been accepted on a full-time basis and has satisfactorily completed one semester (at least 12 semester hours) of course work at Belhaven University. For further information contact the director of admission.

Registration at Other Institutions

A student who is enrolled at Belhaven University may not register for courses at any other institution without approval of the registrar and the chairpersons of the departments involved. This policy refers to summer classes taken elsewhere as well as at any time when a student is pursuing a degree at Belhaven. A student may not be concurrently enrolled at Belhaven and another institution except in the situation of a senior needing a course for imminent graduation and said course is not currently offered at Belhaven University. The form to request a course at another institution is available on Blazenet. The form must be approved by the Registrar’s Office before a student can register for the course at the other institution.

Concurrent Online Enrollment - Traditional Students

  • Full-Time Students
    • Must have cumulative Belhaven 2.0 GPA or higher.
    • May register for one course per 7-week term.
  • Part-Time Students
    • Must have cumulative Belhaven 2.0 GPA or higher.
    • May register for one course per 7-week term.
  • First-time Incoming Students
    • Must have cumulative admit GPA of 3.0 or higher.
    • May register for one course per 7-week term.
    • Must be approved by advisor/Registrar’s Office.

Changing Locations

All students who change programs to enter Online Campus must satisfy standardized requirements for computer hardware, software, internet connection, complete online orientation, and meet class attendance requirements.

  • Traditional
    • Must have cumulative Belhaven 2.0 GPA or higher.
    • Must have positive recommendation from the student’s assigned academic advisor.
    • Requires approval of Registrar.

Program changes and location changes for currently enrolled student will become effective in between semesters (SPRING/SUMMER/FALL).   Students must ensure their program is as intended the semester before they intend to degree complete or participate in a graduation ceremony.  All programs for incoming students (new as well as students returning from a hiatus) will be dated to begin the first date of the term their classes begin.  

Independent Study

Independent study courses will be available only for degree seeking seniors facing imminent graduation who are unable to get a needed course at the regularly scheduled hour.

Students must complete a special request form to submit to the office of the registrar. The professor is not authorized to grant final approval for an independent study course. The request must be submitted to the registrar’s office no later than two days prior to the last day to enter a course or change enrollment status. No course intended to be used for the forgiveness policy can be taken as independent study; furthermore, all forgiveness policy courses must be taken at Belhaven University.

Tutorial Work

The term tutorial is applied to final coursework being completed by a nonresident Belhaven student who has applied for graduation. A student registered for tutorial work is one who cannot be enrolled at Belhaven for the final hours and who has been given permission by the registrar and the major department chairperson to complete those hours elsewhere.

A tutorial registration fee is assessed. (See General Fees .) If the work is not completed during the first semester in which a student is enrolled, that student must register for tutorial work again the following semester, or until the work is completed and the degree can be granted. The student’s tutorial work carries no academic credit in itself. However, the student’s permanent record will indicate enrollment in tutorial work.

Study Travel Program

The Belhaven University study travel program provides students with an opportunity to earn academic credit in courses specifically structured to include off-campus travel, domestic or foreign.

Members of the Belhaven University faculty plan the courses, arrange for and conduct the travel portion, and offer detailed instruction on campus before departure and during the time of travel itself.

The content of courses offered in the study travel program is variable. In one case, the emphasis may be on one city, region, or country exclusively, while in another it may cut across geographical boundaries to include historical, literary, artistic, or scientific aspects of several regions or countries.

Each course requires the consent of the instructor and carries three hours of academic credit and a pass/fail grade. There is no limit to the number of credits a student may earn in the program, but each course pursued must have a different emphasis. In some instances, credits may be applied toward the departmental major.

Student Intern Programs and Practicums

Student intern programs provide practical experience and training. In order to receive academic credit (one to six hours) for a student intern program or practicum, the program must be a structured one, approved in advance by the department in which credit is to be given. A student may not register for an internship or practicum until the office of the registrar has received the approval. The internship application should be turned in to the office of the registrar three days prior to the last day to add a class in order for there to be ample time for administration to provide internship approval. Registration must take place by the first week of the semester (see academic calander  for specific dates to add a course) or the student will not receive credit. A 2.75 cumulative Belhaven grade point average and junior or senior standing are required of the student to be considered for a student intern program or practicum. See the registrar’s office for further information.

Council Studies

Belhaven is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, an association of more than 85 private liberal arts Christian colleges and universities. Consequently, a number of off-campus learning opportunities exist. These include an American studies program in Washington, D.C., a China studies program, a Latin American studies program in Costa Rica, the Los Angeles Film Studies Center, a Russian studies program, a Middle East studies program in Cairo, Egypt, a Scholar’s Semester in Oxford, and a summer study program in historic Oxford, England. (See Council Studies in “Courses of Instruction” section.)

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies

Located in Michigan, this program offers courses that cover various aspects of environmental studies and stewardship. Ecological information is provided along with experience in both field and laboratory techniques. Scholarship assistance is available to students at Council-member colleges.

Focus on the Family Institute

A division of Focus on the Family, the Focus on the Family Institute is a one-semester undergraduate study program designed to address the challenging issues facing today’s families. Outstanding students from American and international colleges and universities compete for 40 positions each fall, spring, and summer semester. Sixteen units of credit for the program may be received through the students’ individual academic institutions, or arrangements can be made through an accredited institution. Upon arrival, applicants should have completed two years of undergraduate work and be in good academic standing with a minimum of a 3.25 cumulative GPA. The Institute is endorsed by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.

Alternative Credit Programs

Belhaven University does recognize Advanced Placement (AP) and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). Official score reports must be sent directly to Belhaven University from the Educational Testing Service. High school transcripts with scores are not considered official notification of scores. Credit will be awarded once the office of the registrar has received the official qualifying scores and the student has met with the department chair to determine how the credit will be allocated. Students planning to enter professional school should verify that AP credit is accepted by the professional school they plan to attend. (All alternative credit must not exceed 45 credit hours toward the undergraduate degree.)

  • Advanced Placement Tests
    A score of 3, 4, or 5 is required on an Advanced Placement exam. Students with scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Test of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) will have earned, upon admission, up to eight semester hours credit granted in any one field.

    Credits granted carry no grade and are not used in computing a quality point index but may be used toward a major or minor. Elective credit may also be given.
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
    Advanced placement and credit may be awarded to students who earn at least the minimum scores recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) on the subject examinations (not the general examinations). Once the office of the registrar has received the official qualifying scores and the student has met with the department chair, credit will be awarded. Any student wishing to be exempt from certain degree requirements should take the appropriate advanced placement test of the CEEB.
  • Correspondence Courses
    A student may apply a maximum of six semester hours of correspondence credit to satisfy degree requirements. The Registrar must approve correspondence work in advance. Credit in major courses or core courses for degrees may not be earned by correspondence.
  • International Baccalaureate Program
    College credit will be granted to those high school students enrolling in Belhaven University who have completed courses in the International Baccalaureate Program with a score of five or better on each higher-level examination. The courses for which credit will be awarded will be those subject courses that are a part of Belhaven’s general education core.
  • National Accreditation Transfer
    Belhaven University will review and accept up to 45 credit hours for courses comparable to those offered by Belhaven from schools accredited by agencies recognized by the Council for Higher Education and Accreditation (CHEA) or the Secretary of the Department of Education. Courses accepted must have a ‘C’ grade or better. No comparable courses are allowed to substitute for WVC 301  or WVC 401 . The Registrar will make the final decision on credit awarded.
  • Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) (Maximum credit - 30 hours)
    Belhaven University is among more than 600 colleges and universities involved in assessing documented learning for academic credit toward an undergraduate degree. The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), an educational association founded in 1974 to promote the acceptance of the awarding of college credit for documented and experiential learning, has led the way in developing and implementing assessment techniques. Belhaven University uses the guidelines developed by CAEL. In order for the credit to be granted officially and recorded on the transcript, the applicant must have completed successfully a minimum of 12 semester hours of academic course work at Belhaven University. This type of credit is not necessarily transferable into or out of Belhaven University.

    PLA if assessed through two course options as described below:

    BU 294 Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio 
    This course is designed to assist the student with the development of an experiential learning portfolio. This includes developing a resume, reflecting on the personal journey through an autobiographical essay, application of a Christian worldview, and identifying knowledge and skills learned from previous work educational and work experiences in the experiential essays. The portfolio will be the basis of evaluation of work and life experiences for possible college credit. Students may write for up to 12 hours of credit for each occurrence of BU 294  (resulting in a total possible of 15 credits, 3 from BU 294  and up to 12 experiential credits). Students must register for BU 294 ​ in term 1 of the semester prior to the semester of graduation. BU 294 ​ may be repeated if more than 12 credit hours of PLA credit need to be assessed, not to exceed the limit of 30 credit hours from this option, including the credits earned through BU 294 ​. (Note: BU 294 may only be taken twice)

    BU29X Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio 1-3 credits
    This course is designed to assist the student with the development of an experiential learning portfolio when less than four credit hours are needed. This includes developing a resume, reflecting on the personal journey through an autobiographical essay, application of a Christian worldview, and identifying knowledge and skills learned from previous work educational and work experiences in the experiential essays. The portfolio will be the basis of evaluation of work and life experiences for possible college credit. Students may write for 1-3 hours of credit in BU290. Students must register for BU 291 , BU 292 , or BU 293  (depending on the number of elective credits needed) in term 1 of the semester prior to the semester of graduation. BU 291 , 2, or 3 are Pass/Fail courses. All PLA submissions from either course option listed above must be completed by the end of term 1 of the semester prior to the semester of graduation.

Credit from alternative credit programs may be given in a specific area in which a student wishes to major or minor, dependent upon departmental policy. The maximum total of such credit listed above, in any combination, is 45 semester hours, not to include more than 30 hours of experiential credit. Hours earned through alternative credit programs do not carry quality points and therefore are not considered as residential hours for honors calculations.

  • Credit for Work Completed in Armed Service
    Credit for specialized training received in the armed services will be granted on the basis of recommendations published in A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Only those courses or programs that may be regarded as consistent with the curriculum at Belhaven University will be credited toward a degree.

    A student who presents evidence of at least six months of military training with an honorable discharge may receive a maximum of four semester hours non-academic credit in physical education.

Foreign Language Proficiency Exams

Foreign students may not register for credit in their native language. Students may earn college credit for Spanish, French, or German only by taking the CLEP examination at the elementary or intermediate levels. Students may earn up to the required number of credit hours in the general education core for their major in a single language through completion of the CLEP examination with a minimum score of 50 or above or through proficiency credit. The CLEP standardized examination will preclude the use of departmental examinations except in those areas where CLEP examinations are not available.

The method of testing and the level of proficiency to be awarded for languages other than Spanish, French, or German will be determined by the chair of the foreign language department or her designee. For testing other than CLEP, a $100 fee is charged for administering a proficiency exam; an additional fee of $100 is charged if the exam is completed, but no semester hours, grades or quality points will be awarded.

Advanced Course Placement:

  • Placement in Advanced English
    Each year, the department of English selects a limited number of freshmen for placement in Advanced Freshmen English on the basis of scores on the ACT, the English Placement Test of the CEEB, and the Belhaven English Placement Test. Credit by exemption for ENG 101  (CR only, no semester hours, no grade or quality points) will be awarded upon completion of the three-hour course ENG 121 Advanced Freshman English  (with a grade not lower than a C) during the first semester.


  • Placement in Advanced Language
    Students who wish to continue at Belhaven University a language begun in high school should take a language proficiency test to determine the college-level course most consistent with their previous training. Students who have credit for two or more units of a foreign language in high school may receive college credit, though not college hours, for the 101-102 courses in the same language after receiving a C (2.0) or better in 201-202 at Belhaven University. A waiver of language courses, especially 101 and 102, may be granted upon the Language Department’s avowal of a student’s proficiency. No semester hours, grades or quality points will be awarded.

    Those students who are eligible to enter a foreign language course at the 300 level and complete six hours at this level may then elect to take examinations in the intermediate course (201-202) to receive six hours of credit.
  • Placement in Advanced Mathematics
    Students who have had extensive training in mathematics in high school and who wish to continue their study in this area at Belhaven University may enroll in MAT 207  and MAT 208  with the permission of the chairperson of the department of mathematics rather than in a lower level course.

    Students who are eligible to enter the course in calculus (MAT 207  and MAT 208 ) and complete six hours at this level may then elect to take examinations in algebra and trigonometry (MAT 101  and MAT 102 ) to receive six hours of credit. If a passing grade is achieved on the examination, the credit hours are recorded and a grade of ES (Examination Satisfactory) is assigned. In the event of an unsatisfactory grade, no grade is recorded or credit given. The grade of ES carries credit hours, but no quality points, toward degree requirements.

Academic Lists

At the end of each semester, the following academic lists are published:

President’s List: full-time students with a 4.00 semester GPA.
Dean’s List: full-time students with a semester GPA between 3.40 and 3.99 and no grade lower than a C.

Graduation with Honors

To graduate cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude, a baccalaureate degree-seeking student must have earned a minimum of 60 academic hours carrying quality points at Belhaven University. At the time of graduation, the student must have established a cumulative grade point average (calculated on the 100th decimal place and not rounded) on the Belhaven University record and meet the minimum to be eligible:

cum laude, 3.40 - 3.69; magna cum laude, 3.70 - 3.89; summa cum laude, 3.90 and higher.

To graduate “with honors,” a student must have a minimum of 45 academic hours carrying quality points at Belhaven University and a 3.40 cumulative grade point average at Belhaven University

Belhaven University baccalaureate degree-seeking students who graduate with academic honors will wear Belhaven University honor cords for the graduation commencement ceremonies. Students are not allowed to wear any other regalia from societies, sororities, or organizations not affiliated directly with Belhaven University.

Veterans’ Regulations

Each recipient of VA benefits enrolled at Belhaven University is expected to become familiar with, and to adhere to, all academic policies stated in the current issue of the Belhaven University catalogue.

Course Substitution

In cases when, through no fault of the student, required courses in a major are not offered in a rotation that permits the student to graduate on schedule, the chair of the major department may approve a similar course in the major as a substitute.

Pre-Professional Programs

The courses offered at Belhaven University enable students to pursue specific preparatory programs for the ministry, law, medicine, dentistry, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and engineering. Requirements for professional schools vary. Some programs at The University of Mississippi Medical Center are open to residents of Mississippi only. Students should check with the department chairman for this information.

Pre-Health Professional Programs

All students who wish to be recommended by Belhaven University for pre-professional programs in the medical sciences or for graduate school, or for fellowships, assistantships, etc. must make an appointment and meet with the pre-professional committee. That committee is chaired by Dr. Waltzer (premedical advisor) and Dr. Bishop. It is recommended that students meet with the committee twice: (1) during their first semester at Belhaven University, and (2) during the semester when they will ask for recommendations.

1) Premedical Program

Requirements vary among medical schools. You should check requirements of medical schools in your state of residence and any out-of-state schools to which you would consider applying.

The University of Mississippi Center Requirements:

Biochemistry - 1 semester
Physics - 2nd semester
Life Science: 2 semesters of any combination of the following:

  • Zoology
  • Cellular Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Physiology
  • Anatomy

 Recommended Courses:

  • Algebra
  • Statistics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

For many other medical schools some or all of the following courses are required: one academic year each of biological science, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, English, mathematics, physics, and behavioral science. In addition, medical schools frequently require one semester of Biochemistry. All semester hours of advanced science must be taken in a senior college. The total of 90 semester hours will be completed by approved electives.

Required science courses - In each of the required science courses, other than mathematics, laboratory work must be included.

Mathematics - A minimum of three semester hours of college algebra and three semester hours of trigonometry is required.

A two-semester course including algebra, trigonometry, analytical geometry, and calculus is also acceptable. Students who qualify by placement tests to enter Calculus I directly upon college entry can satisfy the mathematics requirement with a three- or four-hour Calculus I course; the other two or three required hours may be met by an approved elective course.

English - The usual freshman college courses of six semester hours in English composition or literature are required. The applicant is urged to take an advanced course in English composition.

Approved elective courses - A partial list of recommended elective courses includes advanced English, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, geography, foreign language, computer science, fine arts, (up to six semester hours) and selected advanced courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology. Certain professional courses may be unacceptable.

Unacceptable courses - None of the 90 semester hours of minimum collegiate requirements listed or described or recommended above may be met by the following courses: correspondence courses, courses in physical training, military science, or dogmatic religion; courses in mathematics or science designed for non-science majors; course credit granted without college level testing.

 2) Pre-Physical Therapy Program (Doctorate in Physical Therapy: School of Health-Related Professions: The University of Mississippi Medical Center)

For candidates seeking admission into the DPT Class the successful completion (a grade of C or better) of the prerequisite courses below is required, and candidates must provide evidence of 40 hours of observation in at least two physical therapy clinical departments. A minimum of 5 of the 8 courses specified below must be completed (with grades) to be eligible to apply. All prerequisite courses must be successfully completed for a student to be admitted.
Candidates seeking admission into the class may elect to complete either ALL of the current prerequisite list or the revised prerequisite list below.

Prerequisite Courses* Number of Courses Estimated Credit
Statistics (mathematics, psychology, or education)** 1 3
Biology (lab required) 2 8
Chemistry (lab required) 2 8
Physics (lab required) 2 6-8
Advanced physical or biological science*** 1 3-5
  8 28-32

*Science survey courses for non-science majors are not acceptable for a required course. Normally required science courses must have been taken within the last ten years. All physical or biological sciences listed at a particular college or university do not necessarily satisfy the prerequisite requirements; please consult with the physical therapy pre-admissions counselor for clarification.

** must be taken at a senior college

*** must be 300 level or above and taken at a senior college. Specified prerequisites for courses taken and associated lab, whether incorporated or offered separately, must also be completed.

To be eligible for admission, candidates must: (1) submit a completed application by December 3; (2) provide evidence of observation in a minimum of two physical therapy clinical departments or practices for a total of 40 hours (additional hours and sites are recommended), hours earned through employment will not be accepted, all observation hours must be in the current year of application; (3) have a baccalaureate degree from an approved institution of higher learning; (4) have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (all grades, including failing grades and grades on repeated courses are used to calculate pre-admission grade point averages); (5) submit an official GRE report that includes verbal, quantitative, and analytical scores; (6) submit an autobiographical essay; (7) submit a resume; (8) be proficient in the use of computers for word processing, spreadsheet, library database searching, and be able to perform internet searches; (9) have current first aid certification that will remain current through clinical internship in the last academic semester; (10) complete the prerequisite courses (numbers in parenthesis indicate number of courses needed):

Physiology, human and mammalian (1 or a combined anatomy and physiology course for two semesters); comparative anatomy (1); social studies, including general introductory sociology (2); statistics - mathematics, psychology, sociology, or education (1); advanced science, 300 level or above (2); general and abnormal psychology (2); English composition (2); humanities (2); fine arts (1); chemistry (2); physics (2); college algebra or higher level mathematics course (1); zoology or biology (2); speech (1). All required courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Science survey courses designed for non-science majors are not acceptable for prerequisite requirements. Physical and biological science courses must include laboratory experiences. Students enrolled in a quarter academic calendar must complete the required sequence of courses which are equivalent to University of Mississippi courses. Normally required science courses must have be taken in the last ten years.

3) Pre-Occupational Therapy Program (Master of Occupational Therapy: The University of Mississippi Medical Center)

To be eligible for admission, candidates must: (1) provide evidence of 16 hours observation in at least two occupational therapy clinical departments; (2) have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale; (3) have a minimum of 64 semester hours of academic credit (exclusive of physical education, military science, dogmatic religion and vocational courses) from an accredited institution of higher learning; and (4) complete the following prerequisite courses (numbers in parentheses indicate number of courses needed):

English composition (2); humanities (2); general psychology (1) abnormal, child, or adolescent psychology (1); sociology (1); college algebra (1); chemistry with laboratory (1); physics with laboratory (1); general biology with laboratory or zoology with laboratory (2); human anatomy, comparative anatomy, or morphology with laboratory (1) or a combined science in anatomy and physiology may be a substitute if it is taken one full academic year; fine arts (1); speech (1), developmental psychology or human growth (1), social sciences (1).
Science survey courses designed for non-science majors are not acceptable for transfer credit.

Electives should be sufficient to bring the total semester hours of transfer credit to 64. Suggested electives include first aid, human anatomy and physiology, and statistics.

4) Pre-Dental Program (The University of Mississippi Medical Center)

Dental schools require applicants to have completed at least three years of college and 90 hours of acceptable credit. A baccalaureate degree is recommended.

Required courses:

English - Two semesters, one semester of which must be in composition.
General psychology - One semester

Physical sciences and mathematics inorganic chemistry - two semesters;
  organic chemistry - two semesters;
  advanced chemistry or biology - two semesters at a senior college;
  physics - two semesters;
  biology or zoology - two semesters;
  mathematics - two semesters

Suggested courses include quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, embryology, histology, immunology, biostatistics, microbiology, biochemistry, bacteriology, cell biology, cell physiology, comparative anatomy, and speech. In mathematics, algebra or trigonometry.

All required science courses must include regularly scheduled laboratory periods. In addition to required coursework, courses in the humanities area are highly recommended.

5) Pre-Pharmacy: Belhaven University works most closely with the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy.

For the Pharmacy catalogue and pre-pharmacy requirements go to: The application deadlines after completion of pre-requirements are Regular Entry: November 1; Early Entry: February 1.

Other Pre-Professional Programs

Students in these programs should consult with their advisors for requirements for professional schools.

Pre-Ministerial Program

Theological seminaries require for entrance the B.A. or B.S. degree from an accredited four-year college. The Association of Theological Schools encourages students to receive a broad liberal arts education in preparation for seminary work. Belhaven University has a pre-ministerial program to give students this kind of education. The department of biblical studies and ministries offers a sub major that, along with biblical studies, gives a broad liberal arts basis where critical thinking skills are developed and sharpened.

Pre-Law Program

Most law schools require that applicants hold an undergraduate degree. Generally, they do not prescribe any particular major or sequence of courses, but do recommend precision and effectiveness in speaking and writing and a critical understanding of the political and economic institutions with which the law deals. Belhaven recommends that a student interested in law school consider majoring in political science, and take the law track, which requires completing six hours in constitutional law. The political science major also includes, among other things, Christian political thought to ground the student in biblical concepts of law and politics as considered by great Christian thinkers; judicial process, a study of courts and the legal process; and legislative process, which examines the process by which legislation is developed and considers the biblical basis for a just law code. The student should also consider taking constitutional history, business law, ethics, economics, logic, and perhaps other law courses available at Belhaven, including communications law and sports law. Writing classes would also be helpful. The student who does not choose to major in political science should consider taking several of the classes noted above.

Pre-Engineering Program

Belhaven University has partnered with The University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University to offer dual degree programs in the natural sciences and engineering. This partnership gives students the unique opportunity to receive a Christcentered liberal arts education and earn a degree from Belhaven. An additional degree can be earned from either the University of Mississippi in Civil, General (Business Administration, Pre-Law, or Pre-Med Emphasis), or Mechanical Engineering or from Mississippi State University in Chemical, Civil, or Mechanical Engineering.

Upon applying for admission, students will select a pre-approved major at Belhaven. At Belhaven, in addition to major’s requirements, students will take standard engineering science and mathematics courses (Introduction to Engineering, Programming in Matlab, General Chemistry I and II, Calculus I-IV, Differential Equations, Engineering Physics I and II, Statics, Thermodynamics). Students then will enroll at their selected partnership university and complete degree requirements to fulfill both degrees.

To declare Engineering as a major ACT math sub score must be 25+ (SAT math sub score must be 610+, or High School Calculus grade must be A or B if Test Optional). If ACT math sub score is 22-24, may declare Engineering as a major contingent on passing MAT 101  the summer before Freshman Fall.

Belhaven’s Mathematics and Science faculty will advise students to help with the admissions process, course advisement, Co-op opportunities, and financial aid at their selected partnership institution.